We are at home for a week now and it feels SO GOOD! We flew back to Charlotte, NC October 7 and the last part of our journey was a problem. When adopted children come to USA they have to go through a special office at the airport to "enter" officialy. We waited for an hour in the waiting area! The lady-officer wasn't nice at all. We told her that our plane was leaving in 15 minutes but she said it was not her problem. When they finaly asked us to the counter it took less then 5 minutes to go through the papers. We missed our plane to Jackson and next plane was in 5 hours. We were so upset. We knew that a lot of people would meet us at the airport at 6 PM but not at 11 PM. Oh well, at least we are in the states. We went for a little walk outside the airport. It was so warm! The last day in Kiev was very cold and windy, the windchil was 28F. Bob was thinking about his Ukranian winter hat we bought on our first adoption trip in 2008 but left in Mississippi this time. At Jackson airport several friends and family members were waiting for us. It was so special! Big thanks to everybody who came! Julia was very excited. Our Anastasia looked very happy to see us again. The two new sisters finaly met...
The first week with Julia being home passed quickly. She has a good relationship with Anastasia. They hold hands, they play together and ride bicycles together. They even help me in the kitchen together. Julia already started going to school. At first we were going to let her stay at home for a week and get used to this time. But we noteced she dets bored very fast. So we decided to take her to school asap. On Tuesday we went to the Health Department to get the immunization form. Julia needed to get one shot. She started crying she was so scared of that. When we got in the room and a nurse started preparing Julia's arm she started screaming. Everything took about 15 seconds and Julia calmed down right away. So that day she found out that not everything as bad as it looks. On Wednesday she went to school the first day. She came home happy, she liked school and wanted to go there next day. Good start!
On Sunday we took her with us to our Sunday school class and then to the worship service. I think she liked it. She was asking me a lot of questions: why do people sing? why do they raise their arms? why do people kneel up front? and others. She liked one song and asked if Bob could download it on the computer so she could sing it at home. I was very surprised. On Wednesday night we were going to church and the girls were sitting on the back together. Julia said,"Mama, Anastasia and I have birthmarks on exectly the same places!" I said,"It means you were ment to be sisters!" Then she said,"It was God's plan". How about that!!! I don't think I have told her about God's plans for our lives. She figured it out on her own! You are exectly right, my sweet girl! God has a wonderful plan for your life. God snatched you from satan's hands and brought you into our family. We are so exited to see what God has in store for you.
Congrats to you all! Sounds like you all are off to a great start!
Yay! And I'm so glad to hear that she's open to the Lord, too. Beautiful!
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